CeFPro Connect

Transition Finance: Navigating Opportunities in the Race to Net Zero | A Guide to: Transition Finance
As the world accelerates toward a carbon-neutral future, transition finance plays a pivotal role in driving the necessary shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. In this engaging conversation, Robin Castelli, Head of Transition Finance at Orange Ridge Capital, explores the complexities of transition finance, highlighting both the challenges and immense opportunities for investors.
Oct 17, 2024
C.Robin Castelli
C.Robin Castelli, Partner, Head of Transition Finance Investing, Orange Ridge Capital
Transition Finance: Navigating Opportunities in the Race to Net Zero | A Guide to: Transition Finance
The views and opinions expressed in this content are those of the thought leader as an individual and are not attributed to CeFPro or any other organization
  • Transition finance is a comprehensive approach that encompasses a wide range of financial activities, including investments and services aimed at moving the global economy from carbon dependency to net-zero emissions.

  • Unlike traditional ESG investing, transition finance focuses on companies in the process of adapting to green technologies, presenting significant opportunities in undervalued assets.

  • Managing a transition finance project requires a systematic, data-driven process with an emphasis on understanding root problems, running models, and leveraging subject matter expertise.

  • Building a portfolio in transition finance is challenging due to the lack of historical benchmarks, requiring investors to rely on forward-looking models and long-term timelines, sometimes spanning over 30 years.

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