CeFPro Connect

The Future of Financial Services and Consumer Duty: Insights from Industry Experts
The financial services industry is witnessing significant shifts in regulatory compliance and consumer duty, necessitating firms to integrate consumer-centric practices into their core operations, adapt to evolving regulatory landscapes, and capitalize on opportunities presented by stabilized interest rates for sustainable growth.
Paul Gill
Paul Gill, Chief Risk Officer, Mortgage Advice Bureau
The Future of Financial Services and Consumer Duty: Insights from Industry Experts

  • Consumer duty emerges as a focal point, with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) emphasizing its integration into firms' core operations and strategic planning; ongoing adherence and culture reinforcement are critical.

  • Regulatory expectations are shifting towards holistic assessments of firm operations, focusing on customer outcomes as a measure of success, leading to continuous adaptation and compliance.

  • Evolving regulatory landscapes and market conditions offer both challenges and opportunities; firms prioritizing consumer outcomes can differentiate themselves, enhance customer relationships, and build trustworthiness.

  • The stabilization of interest rates presents opportunities for market growth, particularly in lending sectors, driving consumer confidence and participation, profitability, and market share expansion.

  • Proactive engagement with regulatory bodies, regular updates to consumer duty practices, and monitoring economic indicators are essential for firms to navigate uncertainties and position themselves for sustainable growth in the dynamic financial services landscape.

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